Tips For Neck & Shoulder Tension

Tips For Neck & Shoulder Tension

The areas of the neck and shoulder can cause tension due to many factors and affect us as an inconvenience to everyday activities. The feeling of having a stiff neck or shoulder is irritating and can become stiff and painful to move when locked in one position for too long. Following treatment tips for neck and shoulder tension could relieve your pain and issues if you suffer from factors causing the injury. At North Shore University Hospital , neck and shoulder tension information can help you recover. 

What Causes Neck & Shoulder Tension?

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There are many possible factors for the cause of tension in your neck and shoulder that affect you directly. A few factors are lifestyle, daily activities, and sleep position. Certain lifestyles and daily activities may be causing pain and stiffness due to your position throughout the day. Sleep posture can affect your body and change how you feel throughout the day. At North Shore University Hospital, we can provide the right information for tips on treating neck and shoulder tension.

  • Lifestyle/Daily Activity – Work or overworking can affect a tense neck and shoulder. Sitting and leaning over in the same position all day can cause stress within your neck and shoulders. Lifting heavy objects or repeating a motion can cause stress or relay more tension. 
  • Sleep Posture – Sleeping with good posture can relieve amounts of stress from your body. 

Tips for Tension At North Shore University Hospital Information

North Shore University Hospital about a pain-free life. Some tips for relieving that stress and tension in your upper body are:

  • Stretching – Stretching your neck and shoulders can help increase blood flow and flexibility while reducing tension.
  • Massages or other relief techniques – massages, acupuncture, or other methods such as meditation can help relieve upper body tension.
  • Relax/Rest – take breaks from work or other activities and practice good posture or some relief methods to reduce stress. 

Contact North Shore University Hospital Information 

Neck and shoulder tension can affect and interfere with the activities in your life if you let it. Taking precautions against your neck and shoulder pain is simple following a few tips for treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms of a tense neck or shoulder due to leading factors of stress, find your relief at North Shore University Hospital. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!